Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Back

I disappeared from my fitness blog. Sorry. I didn't make my initial goal, but I do feel like I've made some good progress. I am now at 173 pounds, which it a BMI of 26.4. I have been able to fit into a couple of pairs of pants that I've been saving. I call them my "I have a dream" pants. Well, they fit and I'm not even where I'd like to be overall. That was exciting for me. I'm going to try to stay more active with the blog, just so I can see my own journey. Thanks for checking in!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 4

BMI 27.97
Weight 184

Ok, so really, I'm not getting anywhere. My snacking and water intake have both improved. But, I'm just not getting up and getting any exercising done. I did jog to the post office, but only because Rylie was counting to see how long it would take me. This week, I WILL pick something and do it. I have to if I want to see results.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 3

BMI 27.9
Weight 184

Overall, a decent week. I didn't lost any weight, but I didn't gain any either! The end of the week was a stressful one, so that probably didn't help the end result. I did ok on my water this week, but forgot to take it with me to school two days and I just can't drink the school's water. My school snacking was better this week with the excepetion for the cake that was left over! We got out and took a few walks. My goal for the week if to get out and run atleast one day. Back next week!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week 2

BMI 27.87
Weight 184

It's a start. I lost about 2.5 pounds this week. The exercising didn't happen, but I was successful in drinking atleast 60 oz of water each day and controlling my snacking at home. School is a whole different challenge for me. I eat for the convenience of eating at school. There is always chocolate readily available and when mixed with the pretzels the kids have for snack, that makes a great snack. So my goals for this week are to actually exercise and work on my work snacking.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Starting point

I am starting this journey at 187 pounds and a BMI of 28.27 which is considered overweight. If I could even lose 25 pounds, that would bring me down to a normal BMI. Ideally, I think I would love to get to 150, but would be ok with 160. My goal time frame is by my 10 year class reunion the weekend of July 11. That gives me 4 months to make a difference.

My plan of attack is going to be take it one step at a time. I have always enjoyed running, so I hope to get out running again now that the weather is turning nice. I also plan to use Wii Fit and Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.

My snacking and random grabbing of something is out of control. If it's there, I eat it. I plan to always have a bottle of water handy to help with the boredom snacking. If the water's there and ready, I drink it.

Blog Purpose

I starting this blog to be accountable to something concerning my weight loss and fitness. I have wonderful intentions in my head, but it will always start tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is the day. I want to be fit. I want to be able to wear cute clothes without being self conscious, I want to look great for Matt, I want to feel great for me. I'm hoping by having a place to check in and know others can see if I'm slacking off, I will stay on track and make a lasting, permanent change to me.